Learn the secrets your great-grandma used to keep a clean home

Back in the day, our great-grandmas did not have row after row of beautifully packaged, heavily fragranced cleaners to rely on.

If they could clean with simple ingredients, why can't we?

Well, we can...and without compromising quality or effectiveness and without spending half your grocery budget on fancy specialty products.

What if you could...

Clean from top to bottom with a handful of common, easy-to-find products and ingredients.

Clean with only safe ingredients (no poison labels, endocrine disruptors, or safety goggles needed)

Use scientifically proven and time-tested ingredients

Stop throwing money away on overpriced cleaning supplies

Reduce your plastic waste

Stop wasting time & money testing out products that just don't work for you

Set up a simple, eco-friendly cleaning routine

Everything you're looking for is right inside Soak & Scour, a labor of love I put together after doing a deep dive into the safest, most effective natural cleaning products.

This is truly the way I clean my own home.

I can't believe how easy it's been yet my house is just as clean as it's ever been. 

Plus, I spend almost nothing on cleaning products (apart from the regular dishwasher and laundry detergents).

This is the easy, effective, allergy-friendly cleaning routine I'd been seeking for over a decade.

What's inside
In Soak & Scour, you'll learn the 3 phases of cleaning to understand exactly which approach is needed and why.

Then, you'll dig into the simple, affordable, everyday ingredients I use to clean my whole home from top to bottom.

6 chapters on practical, easy-to-follow information on the 3 phases of cleaning (Value: $12)

My favorite DIY cleaning recipes (Value: $10)

Matching printable labels for your cleaning supplies (Value: $7)

My Zero Waste Cleaning Cheat Sheet (Value: $10)

The best cleaning tools to simplify the job (Value: $5)

Total Value: $44

Get your copy today for just $7

Hi, I'm Rachael!

My eco-friendly cleaning journey started when I realized I had to eliminate all fragrances from my cleaning routine. 

I started researching safer alternatives and was absolutely overwhelmed by the options.

It seemed like the products one person recommended were the ones someone else said to avoid!

Over time, I tried product after product looking for my unicorn. I wanted products that were:

  • Safe for me
  • Safe for the environment
  • Affordable
  • Minimally packaged
  • Multi-taskers
  • Fragrance-free (or scented with essential oils)

Is that too much to ask for??

Fortunately, I've been able to develop an extremely simple, minimalist cleaning routine that checks all of those boxes.

I'm so excited to share this information with you so you can stop stressing about which products are safe for your family and focus more on enjoying your time together.

Get your copy today for just $7

If you've been feeling like there just has to be a an easier, simpler option out there, you're totally right.

You don't need a cupboard full of different products to keep your home clean and your family safe.

You just need the right tools for the job (and you likely already have some of these on hand)!

Remember that these products:

  • Truly work (scientific research studies & anecdotal stories)
  • Cost pennies per use (true story)
  • Minimally packaged or completely package-free
  • Free of endocrine disruptors
  • Completely fragrance-free (or scented naturally)

There's no fancy subscription to buy. 

No need for uni-tasking cleaners that only do 1 thing

Don't bother stocking up on supplies - they're easy to find and affordable

This is truly the easiest, don't-have-to-worry-about-it cleaning routine I've ever had and I believe it will be just as helpful for you.

14 Day Guarantee

If you test out these cleaning methods for 14 days and are not pleased with your results, reach out for a full refund.

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Soak and Scour ebook$7

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  • 1xSoak and Scour ebook$7

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